How to wear your Sari Wrap Skirts

How to wear your Sari Wrap Skirts

Lets admit it, sari wrap skirts are beautiful!  Most of us are a little nervous to wear them for the first time.  I haven't seen anyone wearing them locally so I was a little apprehensive to wear mine but I was determined.  They are just so beautiful!

I took the leap and bought my first skirt a year ago.  It took me 6 months before I had the courage to wear it.  I took my skirts on vacation to Cuba and wore it for the first time when I went to Havana exploring the city.  It was perfect!  I don't know what I was so concerned about!  I also had a longer one I took to the beach and wore as a beach wrap.  Nothing could be easier than covering up with one of these skirts after time on the beach.

Cindy in CubaBack to real life!  I waited until summer until I started wearing my skirts to work.  To my surprise I received lots of compliments and I now wear them regularly to work.  I now have many!

On another plus side, these skirts are made from up-cycled saris.  Each one is different. This is one of the things I love about these skirts.

Enough about me.  Let's dive into why you are here.  How do you wear these skirts?  Yes they can be worn as a skirt but they can also be worn as a dress or even a shirt.  I took a few photos to show examples which you can view on our gallery page but you'll want to take a look at the video I found and the instruction sheet below.  I'm not coordinated enough to show you how it's done lol!

How to wear a sari wrap skirt

How to wear a sari wrap skirt part 2

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